Write a Guest Post

For an article to be considered for the News section of our website, there should be a strong family history element or should show a non-family-history use of one or more of our websites (e.g. house history, industry history, disability history). However, our audience consists mostly of retirees, who also have an interest in leisure activities e.g. travel, golf, eating out. Please bear this in mind when assessing the suitability of your post for our website.

It may be helpful to review our previous guest posts.
This one is a particularly good example of an article that intersects the interests of our demographic.

It’s also advisable to bear our mission and ethos in mind:
Free UK Genealogy provides free, online access to family history records. We work with a team of dedicated volunteers to create high-quality transcriptions of public records from governmental sources, parish churches, and other trusted institutions. We believe that Open Data and Open Source are key to making and keeping public records accessible to all.  We work with others with the same concerns.

Articles that arise organically, from a place of interest and passion for family history and related subjects are what we are looking for. A ‘beginners guide’ to researching, or similar, general posts will usually not be accepted; many of our readers are seasoned genealogists and those who aren’t can find this type of information in a variety of other places online. You may wish to run your idea(s) past us before doing a great deal of work on your post.

If you have an article in mind to submit, you will find more guidance on the next page: